Unlimited options: new God of War Ragnarok video shows accessibility settings for gamers with special needs

By: Anton Kratiuk | 09.09.2022, 14:32
Unlimited options: new God of War Ragnarok video shows accessibility settings for gamers with special needs

Recently, the developers of God of War: Ragnarok announced that the game will have about sixty accessibility options for players with disabilities.

In confirmation of this, Game Informer has released a video, which demonstrates a number of special options.

In God of War: Ragnarok the developers have provided such features as font enhancement for inscriptions, detailed adjustment of the control, adjusting the scale of icons, the ability to automatically overcome obstacles. There will be a lot of other useful features that will facilitate the passage of the game for people with impaired hearing, vision and movement coordination.

God of War: Ragnarok will be released November 9 exclusively on PS4 and PS5 consoles.