People in Germany can now play Wolfenstein 3D

By: Dmitro Koval | 17.09.2022, 11:17
People in Germany can now play Wolfenstein 3D

The original Wolfenstein 3D game was released back in 1994, but not everyone was able to play it. For example, the citizens of Germany could not buy the game, as well as the add-on from 1997 - Spear of Destiny, because of the Nazi symbols depicted in it. The ban for both the game and the add-on was only lifted in 2019, but players still could not buy it because of the Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (Self-regulation of Entertainment Software or USK) rating.

Fortunately for the Germans, they can now enjoy this masterpiece from almost 20 years ago. It looks like the USK has finally tested the game and issued an age rating for it - it's marked 18+. Twitter user Kinsie was the first to notice the changes. Wolfenstein 3D and its expansion are no longer restricted in Germany on Steam, and can now be purchased for €4.99. The game is also available on GOG and Microsoft Store

Source: PCGamer

Photo: GamesRadar