Chinese students created InvisDefense clothing for $70 that makes people invisible to AI surveillance cameras

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 08.12.2022, 15:19
Chinese students created InvisDefense clothing for $70 that makes people invisible to AI surveillance cameras

Chinese graduate students were able to create clothing that blinds video surveillance systems powered by artificial intelligence algorithms.

Here's What We Know

The camouflage is called InvisDefense. It was developed by a group of graduate students from Wuhan University as part of a cybersecurity innovation competition, where they managed to win first place. By the way, the competition was supported by Huawei.

The graduate students tested their development at the university. Externally, it looks like an ordinary cape with a camouflage pattern, but for AI-based security systems, it is an invisible cape. The recognition accuracy of AI surveillance cameras has more than halved (by 57%). However, students plan to improve InvisDefense.

Camouflage is able to fool the recognition system both during the day and at night. The clothing has a special image on it, which misleads the artificial intelligence during the daytime. When analyzed in infrared light, the wiring comes into play, releasing heat and creating an unusual heat pattern, hiding the person from the camera lenses.

InvisDefense will cost $70 if the garment makes it to retail. The graduate students also said they plan to create the same camouflage for vehicles and will think about how to fool satellite tracking systems.

Source: Vice

Image: 4K-SOFT