Deliveries just around the corner: Ukrainian military will complete Patriot SAM training this week

By: Myroslav Trinko | 22.03.2023, 10:06
Deliveries just around the corner: Ukrainian military will complete Patriot SAM training this week

The Ukrainian military has been training in the USA to use Patriot surface-to-air missile systems for several months. It looks like the training process is coming to an end.

Here's What We Know

This was reported by Voice of America journalist Ostap Yarysh. The training program should end this week. The Ukrainian military will then travel to Europe for final training with other groups of soldiers.

As for the supply of SAMs, they will start in the next few weeks. By the way, according to the journalist, Ukraine should receive two Patriot batteries.


The MIM-104 Patriot is an American anti-aircraft missile system developed by Raytheon. It consists of an airborne interceptor missile and a high-performance radar system. The probability of hitting an aircraft is 0.8-0.9 and a tactical missile 0.6-0.8. The cost per missile is about $3 million.

Source: @OstapYarysh