Boeing's MQ-28 Ghost Bat drone is to be a priority joint development between the US and Australia

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 24.04.2023, 19:48
Boeing's MQ-28 Ghost Bat drone is to be a priority joint development between the US and Australia

The Australian government has published a Strategic Defence Review (DSR). The 116-page document states that the MQ-28 unmanned aerial vehicle should be a priority joint development between the US and Australia.

Here's What We Know

The MQ-28 Ghost Bat is the first drone developed by Boeing Australia. The Royal Australian Air Force is also involved in its development. The MQ-28 will be the first Australian-made attack drone in more than 50 years.

About two months ago it became known that the US Air Force may also adopt Ghost Bat drones. This was announced by Boeing CEO Ted Colbert.

Lockheed Martin will consider the possibility of combining the MQ-28 Ghost Bat drones with the fifth-generation F-35 Lighting II fighters. The topic was raised by Greg Ulmer, vice-president of the American company, during his speech at the Australia International Airshow 2023.

The MQ-28 Ghost Bat will be able to take part in military conflicts. It will strike enemy positions as well as conduct reconnaissance, surveillance and reconnaissance missions. Boeing's drone will be much cheaper than manned aircraft.

Source: Australian Government | Defence