Kh-47M2 Kinzhal equipped with unique warhead with 240 TNT - Ukrainian experts study Russian hypersonic missile

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 16.05.2023, 21:04
Kh-47M2 Kinzhal equipped with unique warhead with 240 TNT - Ukrainian experts study Russian hypersonic missile

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have used the MIM-104F Patriot air defence system to shoot down 7 Russian Kh-47M2 Kinzhal hypersonic/aeroballistic missiles. The first was intercepted in early May and is already being studied by Ukrainian experts.

Here's What We Know

Experts at the Kyiv Research Institute for Forensic Examinations have been able to identify all parts of the hypersonic missile. Each of them bears the marking "7760".

The carrier of the Kh-47M2 is a MiG-31K fighter jet. Now the experts want to determine which MiG-31K launched it, where the launch was made and where the PAC-3 RCI anti-missile intercepted.

Experts have also established that the Kh-47M2 Kinzhal is equipped with a warhead of 240 kilograms TNT. It uses 150 kg octogenes as an explosive. Such explosive is used only in the Kh-47M2 and in the 9M723 ballistic missile of the Iskander complex.

Source: TSN