Ukrainian Armed Forces show British self-propelled 155mm AS-90 howitzer in action for the first time

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 16.06.2023, 20:05
Ukrainian Armed Forces show British self-propelled 155mm AS-90 howitzer in action for the first time

More than two months ago, the Armed Forces showed the AS-90 howitzer on Ukrainian roads for the first time. And now the first video has been released showing the artillery unit in action.

Here's What We Know

The AS-90 is equipped with a 155mm L31 cannon. The self-propelled howitzer can hit targets at a distance of up to 30 km. Additional armament of the artillery unit is represented by one 7.62mm L7 machine gun.

The United Kingdom first announced the transfer of the AS-90 to the Ukrainian Armed Forces earlier this year. Initially it was talked about providing 24 howitzers, but later the number was increased to 33.

The AS-90 is powered by a Cummins VTA903T diesel engine. The British self-propelled howitzer is capable of speeds up to 55 km/h. It has a range of 370 km.

Source: @operativnoZSU