Tesla autopilot crashes into parked truck in Pennsylvania

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 28.06.2023, 18:51
Tesla autopilot crashes into parked truck in Pennsylvania

A Tesla car driven by an automatic piloting system crashed into a truck. The incident happened last week in Pennsylvania.

Here's What We Know

The Tesla vehicle was travelling under autopilot control in the middle lane. The vehicle crashed into a Freightliner truck, which was also in the middle lane and was being used to prepare to block the far right side of the highway.

Police discovered that the driver of the Tesla electric vehicle was an 18-year-old boy. Due to his failure to intervene in time to prevent the collision, he was charged with irresponsible driving.

The accident resulted in no casualties. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has launched an investigation to determine what caused the accident.

Source: Reuters