US corporation CEO Satya Nadella says he would like to see developers give up exclusivity on games

By: Anton Kratiuk | 30.06.2023, 11:37
US corporation CEO Satya Nadella says he would like to see developers give up exclusivity on games

Satya Nadella, CEO of the US corporation, spoke at the court hearing in the US FTC's case against Microsoft.

Here's What We Know

Satya Nadella has stated that if important decisions in the gaming industry were up to him, he would stop releasing exclusive games, no matter what platform they are released on.

Microsoft has long positioned itself as an opponent of game exclusivity, and the CEO has only confirmed this view.

But unfortunately not everything is up to Microsoft, there are bigger players in the market who dictate their terms. Of course we're talking about Sony and Nintendo, and the Japanese are unlikely to give up exclusivity for their games.

If it were up to me, I'd be happy to get rid of all kinds of exclusives on consoles, but that's not for me to decide... Especially considering the place in the industry we occupy.

The dominant player has made exclusives the main element of market competition. Such is the world we live in and it doesn't make me happy.

That said, Microsoft will continue to make its games as accessible as possible to everyone.

Source: VGC