Is Musk nervous? Meta's new social network Threads exceeds 10 million accounts in half a day

By: Anton Kratiuk | 06.07.2023, 16:07
Is Musk nervous? Meta's new social network Threads exceeds 10 million accounts in half a day
Today saw the launch of a new social network from Meta - Threads.

Here's What We Know

It's too early to draw any conclusions about whether the platform will be able to seriously compete with Twitter, but a number of factors speak in its favor:

  • Threads has reached 10 million users in half a day and continues to grow, and this despite the fact that the network is not yet available in the European Union due to some legal nuances;
  • Not only ordinary users, but also big brands, such as Netflix, are actively signing up to the new social network;
  • Incredibly bizarre, illogical and outright provocative decisions of Elon Musk make more and more users give up Twitter and look for an alternative, which was so kindly suggested by Mark Zuckerberg.

Source: BBC