EU obliges manufacturers to switch to removable batteries in all smartphones by 2027

By: Elena Shcherban | 15.07.2023, 10:27
EU obliges manufacturers to switch to removable batteries in all smartphones by 2027

Remember the old smartphones where users could replace the batteries themselves? Just open the cover (without special tools or hassle) and you could see all the insides of the phone. Well, soon such devices will be back.


The European Union has approved new rules regarding batteries in modern smartphones. The rules state that by 2027, all phones that go on sale in Europe must have removable batteries. The batteries must also be labelled with clear instructions on how to replace them.

The purpose of such innovations is to increase the repairability of devices, extend their lifespan and reduce the amount of electronic waste.

The rules apply only to the European Union - in other countries smartphones can have non-removable batteries. But if companies want to stay on the European market - they must comply with the new requirements.

We assume that there will be a lot of dissatisfied among manufacturers, primarily Apple. Last year, the EU adopted rules on a single standard connector in smartphones - USB-C. And Apple tried every possible way to defend its signature Lightning connector, but was defeated.

Source: European Council