The developers of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III have confirmed that the multiplayer modes of the new shooter will feature only maps from Modern Warfare II (2009)

By: Anton Kratiuk | 17.08.2023, 12:11
The developers of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III have confirmed that the multiplayer modes of the new shooter will feature only maps from Modern Warfare II (2009)

Recently insider Bob shared information that only slightly updated maps from Modern Warfare II (2009) will appear in multiplayer modes of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023).

This information has been confirmed.

Here's What We Know

According to CharlieIntel Twitter account, specialising in news about Call of Duty, Activision has launched an unusual marketing campaign: if you send an SMS with the name of one of the maps from the 2009 shooter, you will receive a list of all sixteen maps from MW2 2009. Which confirms their presence in the new game.

In addition, if you send an SMS with the word "Zombies", an audio file with zombies screaming comes in response.

In this creative way, the developers confirm that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III will feature a traditional zombie mode.

We won't argue with the fact that Modern Warfare II (2009) maps were great and are still considered one of the best among online shooters, but selling gamers a product consisting of old materials and positioning it as a "new premium game for $70" - looks strange. Obviously, such a move on the part of Activision will not be appreciated by all Call of Duty fans.

Activision will tell more about maps, zombie mode and much more today at the full presentation of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III.

Source: @charlieINTEL