11 Kalibr cruise missiles - 22 Shahed-131/136 kamikaze attack drones, Lancet-3 and reconnaissance UAVs - Ukraine's air defence system destroyed more than 90 per cent of aerial threats

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 08.03.2024, 16:23

On the night of 25 September, the Russians again hit Ukraine with drone missiles. The air defence system coped with most of the aerial threats.

Here's What We Know

Unfortunately, a few missiles reached the target. The air defence failed to shoot down two Onyx anti-ship missiles and one Kalibr cruise missile. At the same time, Ukrainian Air Force air defence forces and means destroyed 11 Kalibr missiles and 19 out of 19 Shahed-131/136 attack drones.

The Ukrainian air defence also intercepted three Russian-made Lancet kamikaze drones. Together with them, they managed to shoot down four operational-tactical level drones. But the model is not specified. Very often for reconnaissance the Russians use drones of the "Orlan" type. In particular, "Orlan-10".

Source: @kpszsu