YouTube may launch an AI tool to mimic musicians' voices

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 19.10.2023, 19:51
YouTube may launch an AI tool to mimic musicians' voices
Szabo Viktor/Unsplash

The YouTube platform is developing artificial intelligence-based technology that will be able to clone the voices of performers for content creators. However, the launch has been delayed due to negotiations with record labels.

Here's What We Know

YouTube originally planned to unveil the AI tool at the Made On YouTube event in September 2022. However, this did not happen.

The main questions relate to monetisation and training of the technology. Will artists receive royalties for the use of their voices? Will they be able to opt out of the project?

YouTube intends to beta test among selected creators first. Despite the delay, record labels are positive about the idea as they see potential in the use of AI.

However, experts warn that YouTube could face legal problems in the process of implementing the technology. The platform will have to solve many issues on intellectual property rights and content licensing.

Source: Billboard, Bloomberg