The Pentagon fears China will develop an intercontinental ballistic missile that could hit targets in the continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 20.10.2023, 22:09
The Pentagon fears China will develop an intercontinental ballistic missile that could hit targets in the continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii

The US military is concerned that China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) may receive a new intercontinental ballistic missile. This is stated in a new report to the US Congress on Chinese defence and security developments.

Here's What We Know

The unclassified part of the report was released this week. It says the Pentagon is concerned that the Chinese military could develop a new intercontinental ballistic missile, albeit without a nuclear payload.

It would allow China to strike the continental US territory. Also Alaska and Hawaii fall into the target zone. At the same time, the absence of a nuclear warhead will give the Chinese military a free hand, because China's doctrine says that China can use nuclear weapons only in response. In the case of conventional weapons, there are no such restrictions.

In addition, the report contains information about the expansion of China's nuclear deterrent capability. The Pentagon believes that China has at least 500 nuclear warheads, i.e. 25 per cent more than last year. At the same time, by 2035, their number may increase three times more.

The People's Liberation Army has several intercontinental ballistic missiles that can carry nuclear charges. For example, the Dong Feng 5C (DF-5C). It is believed to be capable of carrying nuclear warheads of several megatons and has a range of up to 16,000 kilometres. China has also built more silos for the Dong Feng 31 (DF-31) with a range of more than 13,000 kilometres.

Source: The War Zone