White House to unveil 'sweeping' executive order on artificial intelligence on 30 October - WP

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 26.10.2023, 20:03
White House to unveil 'sweeping' executive order on artificial intelligence on 30 October - WP
Donghun Shin/Unsplash.

On 30 October 2023, US President Joe Biden's administration will unveil a broad executive order regulating the field of artificial intelligence.

Here's What We Know

According to The Washington Post, the executive order will use the government's procurement power to impose requirements on AI models before they are adopted by government agencies.

The executive order will require advanced AI systems to undergo examinations before being used in federal agencies. The White House will also simplify immigration rules for highly skilled professionals.

Agencies, including the Pentagon and intelligence agencies, will have to evaluate how to apply AI to their work, with a focus on cybersecurity.

According to the publication, the executive order is still being finalised and could change. It will be unveiled two days before an international AI summit in the UK.

Source: The Washington Post