Turkey to arm F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters with ATMACA anti-ship missiles

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 30.10.2023, 00:07
Turkey to arm F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters with ATMACA anti-ship missiles

The Turkish Air Force, following the Navy and Army, will arm itself with ATMACA anti-ship missiles. The carriers will be fourth-generation F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters.

Here's What We Know

ATMACA were first used by Turkish warships. Now specialists are working on the development of an airborne version, which will be used in air-to-surface operation.

Turkey intends to use ATMACA Block I on F-16 F-16 PO-III/PO-IV fighters together with SLAM-ER guided missiles. The development will be undertaken by Roketsan. In fact, ATMACA will be the Turkish analogue of the US AGM-84L-1 Harpoon missile.

At the moment, the operators of ATMACA are the Turkish Army and Navy. The naval version of the missile has a weight of 750kg, a 220kg warhead and a range of 220-250km. The Army version is 140kg heavier and hits targets within a radius of 250km.

Source: SavunmaSanayiST