ChatGPT Plus subscribers now have the ability to upload and work with files

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 31.10.2023, 15:52
ChatGPT Plus subscribers now have the ability to upload and work with files
Jonathan Kemper/Unsplash

OpenAI has introduced a new feature for ChatGPT Plus subscribers to upload files and then analyse and work with them. Multimodality support has also appeared.

Here's What We Know

Specifically, the chatbot now determines the desired mode of operation itself based on context, without the user having to choose. This brings the ChatGPT Plus personal subscription closer to the corporate version with office features.

After uploading a file, the chatbot can take some time to process it and then answer questions, make generalisations or visualise the data. Not only text formats are supported.

As user tests have shown, ChatGPT is able to generate images based on uploaded photos in a certain style and with specified objects. This was made possible thanks to the integration of the DALL-E 3 model.

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Source: The Verge