Instagram will limit the access of third-party applications to user data

By: Igor Nikitin | 03.04.2018, 17:49
Instagram will limit the access of third-party applications to user data

If you are an active Instagram user and often resort to third-party applications, it's time for you to think about alternatives. The social network changes the application programming interface (API) and closes access to user data.

What is known

Instagram reduced the time for which third-party programs could "tug" information from user accounts. Now they can make only 200 requests per hour, not 5 thousand, as before. Some applications will be completely disconnected from Instagram due to changes in the API.

And to me that that

The news will be painful for those who use third-party programs to analyze the popularity of "hashtag" or check the subscribers on the account. Because of the new rules, applications simply will not do their job. Once the service crosses the limit of requests, it is disconnected from Instagram. At the same time, the Network plans to provide access to some of the user information in future API updates.

Source: TechCrunch