Captain Price has never been more expensive: limited edition silver and gold bars announced for Call of Duty fans

By: Anton Kratiuk | 15.02.2024, 19:25
Captain Price has never been more expensive: limited edition silver and gold bars announced for Call of Duty fans

Activision is incredibly inventive when it comes to monetisation.

The American developer sells its games expensively, actively introduces microtransactions, offers gamers to spend their money on lootboxes, skins, battle passes and other in-game items.

But this hasn't happened yet...

Here's What We Know

Activision has teamed up with precious metals company Produit Artistiques Metaux Precieux (PAMP) to announce a limited edition batch of silver and gold bars engraved with Captain Price from Call of Duty.

The offer is timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Call of Duty franchise, which was celebrated in autumn 2023.

There will be 15 thousand silver tokens worth $109 and measuring 27*47 millimetres and 5 thousand gold tokens worth $450 and measuring 13.1*22.1 millimetres.

Each bar comes in a collector's box with a code for the in-game version of the bar, which can be hung on the weapon as a keychain.

Source: PAMP