Skull & Bones goes down: user ratings give no chance for the pirate action game to swim out of the abyss of oblivion

By: Anton Kratiuk | 19.02.2024, 15:17
Skull & Bones goes down: user ratings give no chance for the pirate action game to swim out of the abyss of oblivion

Looking at the trailers of Skull & Bones, gamers sincerely did not understand: why Ubisoft releases a project that is known to fail and hopeless?

Probably, the main reason why the game was not cancelled, but continued to be heroically developed for 11 years, was a multi-million dollar agreement with the authorities of Singapore, and if the development was closed, the French company would have to return the money.

And so a few days ago Skull & Bones came out. Surprisingly, critics didn't call it a failed game, and some journalists even praised it, giving it 64 points on Metacritic, with only 15% of reviewers recommending it on Opencritic.

But gamers turned out to be more categorical.

Here's What We Know

The average user rating of Skull & Bones on Metacritic is only 3 out of a possible 10 points. Gamers are not shy in their statements, calling the pirate action game an absolute failure.

Skull & Bones goes down: user ratings give no chance for the pirate action game to swim out of the abyss of oblivion-2

Skull & Bones is untenable neither as a single-player story game, nor as a multiplayer service: it has no interesting plot, exciting mechanics, fascinating additional activities and decent technical execution. And the saddest thing is that in all aspects the game is inferior to its forebear - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, which was released in 2013, but is more relevant, both technically and in terms of gameplay.

Some users have called the release version of Skull & Bones an "unfinished beta" © and noted that players can't even explore the entire map, although inaccessible areas can be seen. It is assumed that they will be added to the game in the next seasonal updates, but most likely it will be too late - the long-suffering game will finally go down.

As a reminder, Ubisoft offers every gamer a free 8-hour trial of Skull & Bones. Try it and see for yourself the quality of the game.

Source: Metacritic