Spoiler alert: Insomniac Games' leaked data reveals art of a potential main antagonist for Marvel's Spider-Man 3

By: Anton Kratiuk | 15.03.2024, 22:02

Spoiler alert: Insomniac Games' leaked data reveals art of a potential main antagonist for Marvel's Spider-Man 3

In late 2023, a hacker group hacked into Insomniac Games' servers and leaked a huge amount of confidential information to the public, including the studio's plans for the next 10 years.

We already reported about two trailers of the cancelled online game Spider-Man: The Great Web(trailer 1 and trailer 2), and today Reddit users shared another interesting find.

Here's What We Know

One user discovered an illustration of one of Spider-Man's most recognisable adversaries, the Green Goblin, in the leaked footage.

Beware, the trailer will be followed by descriptions of spoilers for Marvel's Spider-Man 2!

Peter Parker's closest friend Harry Osborn has been infected by the Symbiote and turned into Venom. In order to stop the destruction of New York City, the superheroes were forced to do great damage to Harry's health, and his father Norman Osborn ordered his son to be treated with an experimental drug. Judging by the ending of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, it is this serum that will turn Harry Osborn into the Green Goblin.

Spoiler alert: Insomniac Games' leaked data reveals art of a potential main antagonist for Marvel's Spider-Man 3-2

Source: Reddit