The customer is always right! Sony refunded a customer for a racing game he bought nine years ago

By: Anton Kratiuk | 11.04.2024, 19:37
The customer is always right! Sony refunded a customer for a racing game he bought nine years ago

Many of us make impulse purchases and gamers are no exception in this regard. Surely each of us has a real or virtual shelf where we store games left "for later".

The same "shelf" was at one of the users of Reddit, who shared a curious story.

Here's What We Know

Nine years ago, a user under the nickname AXGX2080 purchased the racing game The Crew for PS4. He hoped that someday he would have the time and desire to race, but the unexpected happened - last month Ubisoft closed the servers and the game became unavailable even in single-player mode.

AXGX2080 was saddened, but realised that since he'd hardly played The Crew - he still had the technical option to issue a refund for a game that had become useless.

So he requested a full refund from Sony support, and imagine his surprise when the PlayStation Store agreed to refund $94.99 for a game he bought nine years ago.

It's hard to say whether this is a precedent or a one-off fluke, as few people dare to return such an old purchase, but the PlayStation Store has shown that it is a site that is loyal to customers and respects their rights, even after such a significant amount of time.

Source: Reddit