Little Big Planet 3 servers have been shut down for good

By: Dmitro Koval | 21.04.2024, 21:04
Little Big Planet 3 servers have been shut down for good

In January, Sumo Digital temporarily shut down LittleBigPlanet 3 servers to resolve persistent technical issues that were hampering online play. However, recent revelations indicate that these issues have led to Sumo taking the game's servers offline permanently.

Here's What We Know

The game is now classified as "decommissioned" on the official PlayStation website, accompanied by an explanatory statement detailing its status.

"Due to ongoing technical issues which resulted in the LittleBigPlanet 3 servers for PS4 being taken offline temporarily in January 2024, the decision has been made to keep the servers offline indefinitely. All online services including access to other players’ creations for LittleBigPlanet 3 are no longer available. User generated content stored locally on your PS4 will remain avaialble. Any new UGC you created can be played on your PS4 but not shared. Offline features such as the campaign will remain playable. Thank you for your support."

This decision effectively marks the end of the LittleBigPlanet series, as subsequent releases since 2014 have been spin-offs devoid of the iconic franchise title. Fans who have been with the series since its inception on the PlayStation 3 in 2008 are understandably disappointed and are making a lot of noise in anticipation of LittleBigPlanet 4.

Source: insider-gaming