IDF confirms availability of necessary weapons for further action in Rafah

By: Nastya Bobkova | 10.05.2024, 05:15
IDF confirms availability of necessary weapons for further action in Rafah

At a press conference, IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagar confirmed the availability of the necessary weapons, including operations in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. This is a response to US President Joe Biden's statements about a possible freeze on arms supplies if Israel launches an offensive in this direction.

Here's What We Know

Rafah is a city in the southern part of the Gaza Strip on the border with Egypt. It is home to more than a million people, most of whom are refugees from other parts of the Strip who have sought refuge from the conflicts.

Since the approval of the plan for a possible assault on Rafah on 15 March, observers and representatives of various countries have expressed concern about possible civilian casualties. In particular, the US White House expressed a desire to see the details of the plan.

On 6 May, the evacuation of civilians from Rafah began, a harbinger of a possible military operation. On the same day, the Israeli military cabinet approved a military operation in the city. Shortly afterwards, the IDF announced targeted strikes in eastern Rafah.

On the night of 7 May, IDF tanks entered the city, and later it was announced that it had taken control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing.

The IDF's operation in Rafah is currently limited to the eastern part of the city, leaving out the main part, which is home to more than a million Palestinians.

Hagari also stressed the regular coordination between military leaders, noting that Lieutenant General Gertzi Galevi, the IDF Chief of Staff, discusses issues daily with General Michael E. Curie, the head of the US Central Command.

Source: The Times of Israel