The authors of the animated series Batman: Caped Crusader, inspired by the style of the 40s, showed new footage and revealed more details about the characters

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 10.05.2024, 08:53
The authors of the animated series Batman: Caped Crusader, inspired by the style of the 40s, showed new footage and revealed more details about the characters

Batman: The Animated Series is one of the best animated series about the Dark Knight. One of its creators is Bruce Timm, who has been working on a new Batman project for some time now, and thanks to Entertainment Weekly, new details have become known.

Here's What We Know

A Batman animated series is in development: Caped Crusader is in development. The authors didn't want to just repeat The Animated Series, so they are creating this project in the style of the 40s. The authors love films, so they decided to be inspired by them in terms of clothing, cars, architecture, and technology.

Commissioner Gordon

The game also draws inspiration from the Batman comics of that era (which first introduced characters such as Catwoman). However, there are elements in Caped Crusader that none of the Batman fans have seen before.

For example, Harley Quinn is an Asian American who is not tied to the Joker. In Batman: Caped Crusader, when she's Dr Quinzel, she's more fun, and when she's Harley Quinn, she's scary, although we're usually used to seeing it the other way round. And as a psychiatrist, she is assigned to treat Bruce Wayne, not the Joker.

Harley Quinn

At the same time, the authors also talked about the character of Batman himself: "He is a very strange man. He's not obsessed with killing his parents, but it changed him in such a way that he still hasn't adapted to being human. He is literally Batman. It's who he is inside. When he's Bruce Wayne, it's not just him without a mask, it's him in a human costume. He's trying to pretend to be something he's not. The idea was to keep him so distant that nobody knows who he is and nobody knows what he's about. We're trying to destroy the preconceived notion that he's a hero, whether it's for the police, whether it's for the people of Gotham, whether it's for the audience.

Bruce Wayne

Catwoman will appear in the series, but without her usual black latex costume. She will resemble her first versions with a regular purple costume.


Finally, it's worth noting that one of the show's antagonists will be Clayface, who has also been returned to the first version. He will not resemble an ugly monster, as in the game Batman: Arkham City.

When We Can Expect It

Batman: Caped Crusader will be released on 1 August on Amazon Prime Video.

Source: ew