CEO hunt: player drops nuke on Phil Spencer's base in Fallout 76

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 10.05.2024, 11:02
CEO hunt: player drops nuke on Phil Spencer's base in Fallout 76

In recent days, the reputation of Microsoft and the Xbox division has taken a hit in the eyes of players when it became known that Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks were closed. And it is ironic that the base of Phil Spencer, CEO of Microsoft's gaming division, in Fallout 76 was attacked with nuclear warheads just as the corporation was in the midst of heated discussions.

Here's What We Know

It may seem that this attack is a revenge for the closure of some studios, but the situation is much more interesting.

A player with the nickname real1090jake on Twitter told Kotaku that he had been planning to catch Phil for a long time to see if he would agree to a fight.

Trying to defeat him was a personal goal of mine after I finished the main quest line

When the players started discussing the fact that Phil's camp had been bombed with nuclear missiles, real1090jake answered succinctly: "My bad".

"He was the last boss in my eyes," real1090jake told Kotaku. "In role-playing games, I prefer to be the bad guy." real1090jake planned to drop a nuke on Phil's base last month, but it coincidentally happened a few days after Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks closed, which adds a special charm to the news.

Source: kotaku