Movie adaptations of video games have become a new gold rush for Hollywood: producers are attracted to even little-known games like Dredge

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 13.05.2024, 09:53
Movie adaptations of video games have become a new gold rush for Hollywood: producers are attracted to even little-known games like Dredge

Film adaptations of video games are becoming increasingly popular. Just look at the adaptations of The Last of Us or Fallout. And there is a lot of attention to video games in Hollywood right now. Journalist Jason Schreier wrote about this, and we are retelling the most interesting parts of his material.

Here's What We Know

In March 2023, the indie game Dredge was released, inspired by the works of Lovecraft. The game turned out to be good, but usually these are not the projects that seek to adapt. Right?

Nadia Thorne, one of the developers of Dredge, said that she had received more than one letter with a proposal to adapt the game. In the end, the authors signed a deal with Story Kitchen, founded by the producers of Sonic the Hedgehog.

Moviegoers have started to get tired of superheroes, and Hollywood sees the video game industry as a new niche that will help create good films. Nowadays, it is even impossible to count how many film adaptations of games are in development.

And if you take a responsible approach to creating an adaptation, the audience can really get a quality product. Fortunately, we already have such cases. Although, of course, for a long time, film adaptations of games have been a source of Spanish shame, we now have the Mario Brothers on the big screen and The Last of Us, Fallout, or anime in the Cyberpunk universe on streaming.

David A. Gross, author of the FranchiseRe film newsletter, says that even lesser-known video games attract film and TV producers because they have an established narrative.

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Source: bloomberg