Vodafone is testing 5G in Ukraine, - Fedorov

By: Nastya Bobkova | 27.05.2024, 18:48
Vodafone is testing 5G in Ukraine, - Fedorov

5G was launched in Ukraine for the first time in test mode. The Promprylad Innovation Centre in Ivano-Frankivsk, Vodafone's office in Kyiv, and Nokia's office in Helsinki made a 5G call to check the quality of communication.

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This was announced by Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov on Telegram. The test was successful, and all participants noted the high quality of the connection.

5G is now available in more than 90 countries. In particular, the European Union plans to provide 5G coverage in all cities and major roads by 2025.

""We have to develop innovations and catch up with the world, even despite the full-scale war. We are grateful to our partners, Vodafone and Nokia, for taking an important step towards the introduction of 5G in Ukraine. We hope that we will be able to scale this technology across the country very soon," said Mikhail Fedorov. "