Apple's iOS 18 will allow you to customise the icon and colour of an app

By: Vlad Cherevko | 27.05.2024, 22:57
Apple's iOS 18 will allow you to customise the icon and colour of an app

Ahead of the WWDC conference scheduled for 10 June, Apple appears to be preparing innovations in the upcoming update to its iOS 18 operating system. iPhone users will be able to enjoy more freedom in customising the interface thanks to features inspired by Google's popular Material You system.

Here's What We Know

According to journalist Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, the new version of iOS will offer users the ability to change the location and colour of apps on their home screen. This change will make it easier to distinguish between apps, for example by assigning social media apps a blue colour and financial apps a green colour.

Apple is also considering introducing app icon customisation, which would give users the ability to replace the default icons with images of their choice. Such updates could significantly improve the user experience by making the interface more intuitive and user-friendly.

These moves on Apple's part are in response to the European Union's requirements to comply with DMA regulations, which has forced the company to rethink its approaches to software customisation. The new features are expected to be available not only in the EU but also globally, giving iPhone users more options to personalise their devices.

Source: Bloomberg