Russia is increasingly recruiting Africans for the war against Ukraine

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 29.05.2024, 09:30
Russia is increasingly recruiting Africans for the war against Ukraine

Russia has created a special unit that recruits mercenaries in several African countries.

Here's What We Know

The press service of the Main Intelligence Directorate reported that mercenaries are offered a substantial sum of $2000 for signing a contract to participate in hostilities.

"They promise a monthly allowance of $2,200, medical insurance, and a Russian passport for the soldier and his family members," Ukrainian intelligence officers said.

African citizens are recruited to participate in assaults on the territory of Ukraine by a specially created unit under the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.

Captured Russian occupants and an African mercenary. Army TV

"The aggressor state Russia has significantly intensified its campaign to recruit foreign mercenaries for the war against Ukraine," the service added.

"We are talking primarily about people from central Africa: Rwanda, Burundi, Congo and Uganda. Russian special services are also actively recruiting citizens of Syria, Nepal and other Central Asian countries.

African volunteers who fight under contract have experience in combat zones due to conflicts in their home countries. However, previously they were less actively deployed to the front line, and now, due to the significant losses at the front by the Russian invaders, there is a shift of Africans to the front line.

Source: GUR