Biomechanical monster with glowing eyes: developers of the shooter Killing Floor 3 showed another creepy enemy

By: Anton Kratiuk | 01.06.2024, 13:27
Biomechanical monster with glowing eyes: developers of the shooter Killing Floor 3 showed another creepy enemy

Tripwire Interactive continues to introduce gamers to the creepy monsters from the shooter Killing Floor 3.

Here's What We Know

Killing Floor 3 co-op shooter was announced in August 2023 at gamescom. Recently, the audience was introduced to a monster called SI-07 or Cyst, and now they showed a trailer of another biomechanical creature called Clot.

Here's what its description sounds like:

KCJ-09 (CLOT). Eighty-three years after its invention, the KCJ remains the most common biological weapon in the field. The ninth-generation model features a steel-reinforced frame and unbridled ferocity, which, along with its competitive price, ensures that it will continue to dominate the biological weapons market.

When We Can Expect It

The release date for Killing Floor 3 is not yet known. The game will be available on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.

Source: Tripwire Interactive