Germany is preparing for war: Defence Minister says they will start preparing army for potential war

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 08.06.2024, 08:20
Germany is preparing for war: Defence Minister says they will start preparing army for potential war

The German Ministry of Defence plans to start preparing the country's armed forces for a potential war in the 2030s.

Here's What We Know

German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius has explained that he plans to initiate preparations for a possible war in the near future. The preparations should be completed by 2029, but the plans may be postponed, as funding from the German government is needed.

According to him, Germany has a chance to prepare for a terrible war, as a conflict in Central Europe is becoming more and more likely. He also added that the country should reintroduce conscription, which was cancelled in 2011 due to the reorganisation of the army.

It is worth noting that the Forsa research institute conducted a survey in March 2024, and more than 50% of German citizens are in favour of the return of conscription.

Source: DW