Following Germany: the US will also transfer another Patriot SAM battery to Ukraine

By: Myroslav Trinko | 12.06.2024, 09:15
Following Germany: the US will also transfer another Patriot SAM battery to Ukraine

In addition to Germany, the USA is also preparing to transfer a battery of Patriot surface-to-air missile systems to Ukraine.

Here's What We Know

The information was shared by the American edition of the Associated Press. The publication refers to two officials who say that the decision was made by Biden after Zelensky's recent statements to strengthen Ukraine's air defence.

According to the NY Times the system will come from Poland, where it has been protecting rotating forces of U.S. troops that will be returning to the United States. Patriot could be deployed to the front lines in the coming days. That will depend on the maintenance or modifications the system needs.


Patriot is a medium-range surface-to-air missile system developed by the American company Raytheon. The main feature of Patriot is its ability to intercept and destroy tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and aircraft. The system is equipped with the AN/MPQ-65 multifunctional radar, which provides detection, target tracking and missile guidance.

Patriot uses PAC-3 missiles, which have improved performance compared to previous models. The system can operate autonomously or be integrated into allied air defence systems, making it an important element in collective security. Patriot is in service in many countries and is actively used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the war against the Russian occupants. By the way, Ukraine now has 3 batteries of SAMs in service.

Source: Associated Press, NY Times