The US has approved the sale to Norway of AIM-120C-8 missiles for the F-35 Lightning II fighter jets

By: Myroslav Trinko | 14.06.2024, 10:52
The US has approved the sale to Norway of AIM-120C-8 missiles for the F-35 Lightning II fighter jets

The US State Department has approved the sale of new missiles to Norway.

Here's What We Know

We are talking about 300 AIM-120C-8 missiles, which the Norwegian Air Force will use with F-35 Lightning II fighters. The total purchase price is $1.94 billion. In addition to the missiles, the contract will also include additional equipment to support the weapons.


The AIM-120C-8 AMRAAM (Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile) is an advanced version of the AIM-120 family of missiles developed by Raytheon to provide precision and long-range air defence. The AIM-120C-8 is part of an upgrade programme that includes improvements in range, manoeuvrability and accuracy.

The AIM-120C-8 AMRAAM is equipped with an active radar homing head, enabling it to engage and destroy targets at long ranges. It is designed for use on a variety of platforms including F-15, F-16, F/A-18 and F-35 fighters. With its improved performance, the AIM-120C-8 can effectively counter modern air threats, including manoeuvring targets and low-observable aircraft. The missile is capable of engaging targets in all weather conditions and at any time of day. The AIM-120C-8 is used by the US Air Force and its allies.

Source: DSCA