Amazon plans to launch a premium version of Alexa with a fee of up to $10 per month

By: Nastya Bobkova | 23.06.2024, 01:13
Amazon plans to launch a premium version of Alexa with a fee of up to $10 per month

Amazon is planning to integrate generative artificial intelligence (AI) features into its Alexa voice assistant and offer a more advanced version that will be available on a subscription basis. The company is reportedly calling this enhanced version "Remarkable Alexa". The name may change before the public release.

Here's What We Know

According to Reuters, Amazon has not yet determined the exact price and release date of Remarkable Alexa, but is considering options from $5 to $10 per month. The company plans to unveil this version at its autumn Alexa and Devices event.

This will be the first major update to Alexa in over a decade, since its launch with the Echo speakers. Amazon aims to catch up with competitors such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini.

Amazon CEO Andy Jesse told shareholders in April that the company is working on a "smarter and more capable Alexa". This means that Amazon plans to make its voice assistant more intelligent and functional, able to better understand and respond to user requests.

Remarkable Alexa will have the ability to execute complex commands, such as creating and sending emails and ordering dinner with a single command. She will also provide deeper personalisation and be able to give shopping advice, similar to the Rufus assistant.

Amazon also plans to improve home automation features. Remarkable Alexa will be able to better understand user preferences, such as automatically switching on the TV for a particular show or the coffee machine when the alarm goes off.

Although Alexa has been unprofitable for Amazon for a long time, the company hopes to make more profit from Remarkable Alexa. Users may need to purchase new devices with more powerful hardware to ensure that the new assistant works properly.

Source: Reuters