Latest free update for the original Microsoft Flight Simulator gives you a bird's eye view of Las Vegas

By: Dmitro Koval | 23.06.2024, 19:59
Latest free update for the original Microsoft Flight Simulator gives you a bird's eye view of Las Vegas

Since its release in 2020, Micrsofot Flight Simulator has been constantly receiving new content, although it had a lot to offer players at the start, and despite the fact that the next game in the series will be released in a few months, the developers continue to release updates: the latest free update adds Las Vegas to the game.

Here's What We Know

Players can now explore Las Vegas and its surroundings by flying over them in any of the available aircraft, and enjoy the accuracy and detail you would expect from a flight simulator. Microsoft has also released a trailer for the update, which you can watch above.

Where To Play

Microsoft Flight Simulator is available for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles, as well as on Windows PC.

Source: GamingBolt