"Cat and mouse game": Ukraine struggles to stay ahead of Russia in the 'drone race'

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 26.06.2024, 10:44
"Cat and mouse game": Ukraine struggles to stay ahead of Russia in the 'drone race'

Ukraine and Russia are seeking to significantly increase the production of unmanned systems, as each side wants to surpass production and gain a quantitative advantage.

Here's What We Know

Mykhailo Fedorov, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, said that technology is changing the situation on the battlefield and is constantly evolving.

"For the first time in the history of mankind, technological warfare is developing at such a rapid pace," he explained, adding that "now it's more like a cat-and-mouse game, with one side attacking the other."

Drones of all kinds have been a real game changer in this war, and both sides have regularly used them to perform a variety of tasks on the battlefield. For example, to engage targets, conduct surveillance, monitor enemy troop movements, lay mines, drop bombs, deliver supplies and evacuate the wounded.

Ukrainian military launches an FPV drone

Both Ukraine and Russia favour unmanned systems as a cheap but effective way to keep developing. The Russians have recently dramatically increased drone production and trained thousands of operators.

"When it comes to drone production, we see that Russia is producing quite fast. But at the same time, we are doing everything we can to be five steps ahead," explained Fedorov.

In December 2023, Ukrainian officials announced that they planned to produce one million FPV drones for the army in one year.

Source: Business Insider