The network shows the prison of the future with artificial intelligence

By: Nastya Bobkova | 30.06.2024, 22:49
The network shows the prison of the future with artificial intelligence

In a world where incarceration rates are at record levels, new, revolutionary ideas are emerging to punish criminals. One of these ideas is Cognify, a proposed prison system that uses artificial intelligence to create virtual memories that punish.

How it works.

Instead of isolating inmates in cells for years on end, Cognify uses AI to generate realistic virtual experiences that are injected directly into the prisoner's brain. These experiences are essentially artificial memories that depict the crime committed by the offender from the victim's perspective.

The purpose of Cognify

Theoretically, Cognify aims to induce feelings of deep remorse and regret in prisoners by making them experience the consequences of their actions from a different perspective. This, according to the developers, should lead to a more ethical and effective way of punishment, as well as a reduction in recidivism.

For now, Cognify remains a theoretical concept. The technology required to implement it does not yet exist, and its development is likely to be accompanied by significant ethical and legal debate.

Cognify is still under development and has not been used in any prisons. There are significant ethical questions about the use of this technology.

More research needs to be done to determine whether Cognify is an effective and humane way to punish.

Source: Wired