Israel presents new Wind Demon air-to-surface cruise missile

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 09:56
Israel presents new Wind Demon air-to-surface cruise missile

Israel Aerospace Industries presented a new air-to-surface missile called the Wind Demon at the Farnborough International Airshow 2024.

Here's What We Know

The missile will weigh 140 kilograms and can be launched from aircraft platforms such as attack helicopters and fighter jets. The range of the Wind Demon allows it to hit both mobile and stationary targets at a distance of over 200 kilometres.

In addition, the missile can fly at extremely low altitudes, reducing the risk of detection and interception by enemy air defences. According to the manufacturer, the Wind Demon uses state-of-the-art capabilities and is based on "many years of experience in developing missiles and ammunition".

It is worth noting that Wind Demon is equipped with laser homing heads and electro-optics for accurate day and night target identification. It is also extremely accurate, with a probability of error of only one metre.

Source: Breaking Defence