Ilon Musk's Starlink refuses to block Platform X in Brazil, ignoring court order

By: Vlad Cherevko | yesterday, 23:20
Ilon Musk's Starlink refuses to block Platform X in Brazil, ignoring court order

After Brazil's Supreme Court ordered internet service providers to block access to Platform X, Starlink, Ilon Musk's satellite internet service, refused to comply with the ruling.

Here's What We Know

The court ordered Starlink's local bank accounts frozen in order to collect $3 million in fines for failing to comply with previous orders to block certain accounts that allegedly spread hate speech and misinformation. Starlink sued to unblock the assets but was denied. Musk called the freezing of the accounts illegal, arguing that SpaceX and X are separate organisations. Starlink said it will not comply with the ban as long as the company's assets remain frozen.

Brazil's Supreme Court also approved fines of 50,000 Brazilian reais (about $8,900) a day for those who use VPNs to access X. Starlink has promised to provide free internet to its customers in Brazil, of which there are about 250,000, while the account freeze continues. If the company continues to ignore the ban, its licence to provide internet services in the country could be revoked and its equipment confiscated.

Source: The New York Times