Study confirms high accuracy of physical activity tracking on Galaxy Watch

By: Nastya Bobkova | today, 04:50
Study confirms high accuracy of physical activity tracking on Galaxy Watch

Samsung has presented the results of a study on the accuracy of physical activity tracking on Galaxy Watch, conducted in collaboration with the University of Michigan. The study confirmed the high accuracy of the watch's measurements compared to clinical devices.

Here's What We Know

Galaxy Watch demonstrated a reliable correlation of 90% with the ECG in measuring heart rate, which is critical during exercise.

Sweat loss measurements showed a 95% correlation with professional devices, which ensures high accuracy. VO2 Max readings, which measure oxygen consumption during exercise, correlate 82% with clinical equipment. Measuring body fat percentage has also proven to be accurate, with a 95% correlation with DEXA scan results.

This data confirms that Galaxy Watch can provide reliable readings for important physiological parameters.

The report does not include measurement accuracy for metrics such as number of steps or calories burned, as these metrics can be less accurate. This is because wrist-worn devices have limitations in collecting data on movement complexity and energy expenditure. Because of these limitations, they may not accurately reflect actual values as well as specialised or clinical devices.

Source: Samsung