Xiaomi has updated the design of the Mi Fitness app

By: Nastya Bobkova | yesterday, 04:46
Xiaomi has updated the design of the Mi Fitness app

Xiaomi has updated the design of the Mi Fitness app, which is now available to users worldwide. The new interface has become clearer and more convenient, and includes several new features.

Here's What We Know

All four main sections of the app have been updated: "Health, Training, Device and Profile.

The main changes include simplified navigation, updated widgets for different types of workouts, and more prominent health indicators such as heart rate and sleep duration. A feature comparing calories burned with food has also been added.

In addition, users can now combine additional devices such as the S400 scale to analyse body composition. However, it is not yet known whether this update fixes previous bugs in the app.

Xiaomi continues to gradually roll out the new design to users on iOS and Android.

Source: Lazy_Data_7642