Ukraine to build a modern plant in Lithuania to produce hexogen-based explosives

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 11:45
Ukraine to build a modern plant in Lithuania to produce hexogen-based explosives

The Lithuanian Ministry of Economy and Innovation has reported mutually beneficial co-operation with Ukraine in increasing the production of ammunition and explosives.

Here's What We Know

Lithuania and Ukraine have signed a Memorandum of Co-operation on the construction of a new generation explosives plant.

An unnamed Ukrainian company will build a plant for the production of hexogen (Heksogen/Cyklonit), an explosive that is becoming increasingly popular due to its qualities and advantages.

Explosives made from this material are widely used by NATO armies because of their extremely short detonation time and high explosive power.

RDX material can be used alone or in combination with other explosive materials and is designed to produce a variety of bombs, mines and other explosives.

Construction work is expected to commence in 2025.

It is noted that the market for hexogen-based explosives is growing rapidly, and if in 2023 its turnover corresponded to $10bn, it will reach $13bn by 2028.

Apart from the obvious benefits for Lithuania and Ukraine, and in fact for all NATO countries, this agreement sends a clear signal to the terrorist state of russia.

Source: Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania