Charge and save up to 900 euros a year: E.ON introduces bi-directional charging for electric cars

By: Volodymyr Kolominov | 04.12.2024, 14:22
The E.ON Wallbox smart charger station - a new era of automotive technology Illustrative photo of the E.ON Wallbox charger. Source: E.ON

European energy company E.ON has launched the Bi-clEVer pilot project to test how efficient two-way charging can be in ordinary households. The company calculates that vehicle-to-home (energy for the home from the car battery) and vehicle-to-grid (feeding energy from the car into the general grid) technologies can save up to €920 a year.

Here's What We Know

In addition to the savings on bi-directional charging, E.ON has also calculated that, solar panel owners can further reduce costs by €420 by optimising their own solar energy consumption. Electricity from the grid can be bought during hours with the lowest tariffs, stored in the car's battery and used later. The company estimates that combining solar panels with an electric car with a 42 kWh battery allows households to achieve 51 per cent energy independence. And if another battery is added, this figure could rise to 59%.


According to Jens Michael Peters, head of energy solutions and electromobility at E.ON, in the future users could earn up to €500 a year from selling electricity from car batteries. For example, by buying energy when tariffs are lowest and selling it during peak hours. The process will be automated.

Source: Battery Industry