Steam version of The Touryst will be available soon

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 22.11.2021, 20:47
Steam version of The Touryst will be available soon

The PC version of the adventure game The Tuurist is now available in the Microsoft Store. In the near future, namely December 10, it should reach Steam. 

Game introduction: 

You have just arrived at Monument Islands. Do you want to swim? Or is it better to dive into the depths of the sea? Do you want to visit the arcade, shop, dance at the beach party? Do you want to surf? Or you can talk to a strange elderly tourist and listen to what he has to say about these ancient mysterious sights ...

Yes, the game offers a lot of fun - exploring vibrant locations, looking for secrets, taking photos, boating and more. The Nintendo Switch version of the game has received generally positive reviews on Metacritic and scored 7.9 points out of 10.

The touryst also already out on platforms PlayStation, Xbox.