Picsart unveils AI animated GIF generator

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 04.07.2023, 17:45
Picsart unveils AI animated GIF generator

Popular photo editor Picsart has launched an animated GIF generator based on artificial intelligence.

Here's What We Know

The new tool doesn't search for animated files, but generates them based on text prompts. For example, a user can ask Picsart to create an image of a dancing capybara on the moon.

Picsart calls the tool its "most unhinged" platform. To use it, you have to enter a prompt into a chat box, wait about a minute and get a "chaotic and eccentric" creation.

The platform is integrated into the regular Picsart app and is available for iOS, Android devices and online. Users can download a GIF to their device to share it in a group chat or send it elsewhere.

The images created on this platform are cartoonish, so don't expect photorealism.

Source: Picsart.