Wayfair has created a free AI tool that redesigns the living room and selects new furniture

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 25.07.2023, 21:44
Wayfair has created a free AI tool that redesigns the living room and selects new furniture

Wayfair has launched a free "virtual room restyler" called Decorify that uses generative artificial intelligence.

Here's What We Know

The service shows a remodelled version of a room after the user uploads a photo and selects the desired visual style. Furniture can then be selected from a grid of recommendations.

Decorify does not create renders of existing furniture in the actual room. Wayfair uses an artificial intelligence model to create new images. Because of this, strange reflections can appear on curtains, and plants and other artefacts can appear on beds.

Nevertheless, to the right of the generated image, the user can select the most similar furniture that is sold on the Wayfair site.

In the future, the developers plan to refine the model to give more accurate matches between the generated furniture and real goods.

Source: The Verge