Meta introduced Code Llama - a tool for code generation and debugging based on the Llama 2 language model

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 24.08.2023, 20:17
Meta introduced Code Llama - a tool for code generation and debugging based on the Llama 2 language model

Meta has unveiled Code Llama, an AI tool that allows you to generate and debug code using the large language model Llama 2.

Here's What We Know

Code Llama is free for research and commercial use. Meta has also released specialised versions of the tool:

  • Code Llama-Python, which specialises in the Python programming language;
  • Code Llama-Instrct, which generates code from textual cues.

Meta emphasised that the tools are not interchangeable. For example, Base Model and Code Llama-Python cannot generate code from textual prompts.

According to the developers, Code Llama is superior to other available language models. In the HumanEval benchmark, the system scored 53.7% and was able to write code based on a textual description without error.

Meta offers three sizes of Code Llama for different projects.

Source: The Verge