Elon Musk's unmanned Tesla confused traffic lights at a junction and nearly caused an accident

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 28.08.2023, 17:14
Elon Musk's unmanned Tesla confused traffic lights at a junction and nearly caused an accident

Tesla CEO Elon Musk held a broadcast on social network X with a demonstration of the latest version of Full Self-Driving. However, after just 20 minutes, the autopilot mistook a traffic light and almost drove into the oncoming traffic lane.

Here's What We Know

The broadcast lasted 45 minutes and was conducted using a smartphone. Musk himself was probably in the driver's seat.

At minute 20, the car stopped at an intersection with two traffic lights. One is for cars turning left. The other indicates the way for cars going forwards or to the right.

Musk's car was parked in the centre lane. When the traffic light for turning left changed to green, FSD suddenly drove traffic towards the turning cars.

Musk had to take control and stop the robot car. According to him, this is the first intervention in the entire experiment.

Source: @elonmusk